The discipleship inserts in Matthew starting from calling [Matthew 9:9-13]. Calling to individual, every man is called separately and must follow alone. After called, nurtures them by teaching to obey [Matthew 5:1-12]. Teaching constitute with praying [Matthew 6:5-13]. Every disciple must endower with the Holy Spirit then repentance, hopefully they may aware of their responsibilities and duties to do something better in this world.
In the Fourth Gospel, disciples task are very significant and limited. Jesus’ followers are sent to harvest [John 4:38], appointed to go and bear fruit [John 15:16], they must testify and witness [John 15:27], and they are to forgive others their sins [20:23]. Hence, the gospel of Mark’s message is the message of the Servant King, his ‘presence’ and ‘practice’. N.T Wright describes that, “If you do understand this Servant King, then, prepare to follow as agents implementing the victory.” The message that all of us to grasp today, is that we are called to be followers. Johnny Turner describes four principles to follow the way of Mark’s approaches. 1) The mark of Humility. Humility is the result of a compassionate spirit, responsibility to reach out and help others. 2) Think like Jesus. Concern on spiritual journey, win the hearts by loving and compassion. 3) Obedient with humble to the master, 4) Stand on own feet by the help of the Holy Spirit until He return. Luke the gospel also told that disciples are to follow the suffering Messiah. Therefore, the follower of Messiah must prepare for the suffering [Luke 24:26-28].
However, these perspective retold by Paul the Apostle has significant changed different way. Paul did not use a specific word ‘discipleship’ rather then a call to the obedience of faith. Even Paul does not use the specific word, ‘disciple’, but his experiences on the way to Damascus transformed him into a disciple. His understanding of discipleship is the ‘obedience’ that brings believers into the presence of Christ and constant communion with him [Philippines 2:1-11; Romans 5:6-21]. So, Christian follows to Paul’s teaching is more soften than Jesus told his disciples in Luke and Mark.
The Great Commission
The Great Commission [Matthew 28:18-20] does not present a clear define [definitive] of discipleship making. Proclamation the Good News of Jesus Christ alone is viewed as the key to make disciples. Therefore, New Testament recorded that proclaiming the Good News of the gospel spread the word of God [Acts 12:24] and is priority to preaching [Acts 6:5]. When they preach, the word of God spreading and the number of disciples increased greatly in Jerusalem, and a great number of priests were becoming obedient to the faith [Acts 6:7].
On the other hand, the Great Commission is expect us to make a new discipleship by share our own faiths rather then follow. When we share our faiths the Holy Spirit will lead us to accomplish the tasks. The early church did this and the results twelve to one hundred and twenty [Acts 1:15], that number grew to three thousand following in the day of Pentecost [Acts 2:14].
Nonetheless, share the faith in Christ reflects fulfilled the Good News of the gospel, however, the gospel did not present in word only but also in power of the Holy Spirit with full of conviction, deeds and demonstration. Therefore, the conviction of deeds and demonstration of the truth becomes Christian eschatology. In Jesus’ life, conviction witness is greater then teaching and preaching. Jesus says, “‘The time has come,’ ‘the kingdom of God has come near; repent and believe the Good News” [Mark 1:15]. On one hand, his demonstration of casting out demon [Mark 1:26], feeding thousands, healed the sick and raising the dead back up of his messages. The audience became witness to his demonstration [Mark 1: 27-28]. Jesus first gave authority to his disciples was to drive out evils, to heal disease and sickness rather then preaching and teaching [Matthew 10:1].
Thus, church pastors and ministers are only presenting the word as to preach and teach alone cannot lead people to follow Jesus but by conviction. The conviction followed by demonstration of kindness to all human kind. Dan Kimball quoted from Mahatma Gandhi’s word, “I like your Christ. I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ.” In 21st century, post-modernists are similar to Gandhi’s view they do not like Christians and the church but they like Jesus Christ and amazing creator God, they are very spiritual.
Love one another
Jesus with the twelve become a movement of shepherding by following a new rules, ‘love one another’ [John 13:34-35]. By doing this, every one will know that they are Jesus’ disciples. Thus, the gospel brought by Jesus is not offered for private believe alone but hope for the kingdom. Ronald J. Sider affirms, “The kingdom is built by sheer grace and accepting God’s freely given mercy.” The kingdom that exist in community where if the poor would receive justice and peace would prevail, and the sick would healed and the poor receive care; then the community would welcome fellowship with marginalize people.
Therefore, gospel is not proclaiming by word alone, but by word and deed for love one another. The gospel values must be socially subjective product. Thus, forgiveness of others sins become at the centre of proclamation of the gospel of the Kingdom. Gospel is not for power witness, but communication; scripture is not about holy words, but encouragement and give fulfilment on others heart [Matthew 5:3-6:25]. If so, how can the believers will learn from one another’s faith praxis or direction? How to challenge one another to further deepen our discipleship through just love one another? It can be ecumenical or understanding and cooperation between churches. Christian churches and communities need to develop an attitude of openness that allows them to willingly admit Christian manifestations of community strive for the same goal.
To seek equitable community
Jesus announced, Good News for the poor; those who were destitute, hungry, and weeping were blessed by God [Matthew 5]. Jesus started new community that he has to do is the kingdom community in his life time. The great wealthy society, power holders, educated class abject poor as well as reject this kind of community. Jesus called to transform this community to be called ‘the kingdom of God’ or ‘the reign of God’. It was a vision of the compassionate human society which was charged by God, Jesus have been started. Jesus’ disciples must continue this to transform the compassionate society by the name of God the father, Jesus the Son and the Holy Spirit.
However, “the reign of God is not identical with the Anglican, Presbyterian, Lutheran, Roman Catholic, Methodist, or any other Christian community.” Christian community ought to attempt to increasingly be defined by God’s call and concerned to respond to this call by following Jesus Christ under the guidance of the Holy Spirit.
The cost of Jesus followers
Before transform new equitable community, Jesus’ expectation was, disciple must decide that the life would be danger. It could have troubled and could loose life by confronting those who lust the rich and power holders, governors and dominant leaders. Thus, Luke’s narrative drawn from the eschatological Messiah-ship and the Messiah-ship would suffer. Jesus warns his followers to understand clearly that the follower of Messiah-ship or the prophet-ship must ready to suffer. Therefore, Luke recorded the followings:
Luke 14:26 ‘Whoever comes to me and does not hate father and mother, wife and children, brothers and sisters, yes, and even life itself, cannot be my disciple.’
Luke 14:27 ‘Whoever does not carry the cross and follow me cannot be my disciple.’
Luke 14:33 Therefore, none of you can become my disciple if you do not give up all your possessions.
But, Jesus expectation was not only prepare for suffers but also to achieve personal spiritual power to overcome the tragic. Spiritual power will be personal weapons, (not guns and knifes), which can be able to resist and overcome from the dangers. Spiritual power could receive through Jesus’ encouragement because he is leader of all the process, learning from him, because he is only a teacher [Luke 6:40], personal prayer, because Jesus asked them to pray all time [Matthew 6:9] and understanding the whole tasks. To reform society is greatly dangerous but it was the Messianic reform, God’s willingness, Jesus’ focus, and his tasks for this world. How this will fit with our world and society for today especially in post-modernity?
In contrast, Christians in the West are now under the systematically constructed humanity instituation. Laws, rules, working opportunity for survive, all guaranteed and provided by the government agency. Therefore, local communities are totally depending on laws and organisation for their life even domestic violent, abuse, and verbally assaulted can be charged a serious compensation. Jesus’ way of doing the new community is unnecessarily needed. Thus, church base disciple making is unnecessarily develop in the West in 21st century.
Christian spiritual in the West can not construct by the way church was doing. Belief and spiritual life is to be ‘happy’ how I become happy is by means of friendship, unconditional love, family income and job opportunity rather then doing religion. If there is no job or no income they need spiritual power but there are many humanitarians and job creators.
Relationship is a power to connect building the society of christian through understanding, forgiveness, share, and love one another which may form or create a society for Christ. However, there is a grand culture revolusion which we called post-modern culture. Post-modern culture is hard to define and say what does it means. Next ime, we will explore what the post-modern culture is......
Relationship is a power to connect building the society of christian through understanding, forgiveness, share, and love one another which may form or create a society for Christ. However, there is a grand culture revolusion which we called post-modern culture. Post-modern culture is hard to define and say what does it means. Next ime, we will explore what the post-modern culture is......
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